Part Number: MSP430F249 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 Hello,
Does there exist example code for restoration TLV structure in MSP430F249? Customer erased TLV structure in his chips and now he wants to restore original TLV.
Thank you.
Part Number: TIDA-00293 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPLCR4500EVM , MSP430F2410 , DRV8825 , , DLPC350 Hi,
I am working on fabrication of microrobots using DLP-based stereolithography, and I need to achieve simultaneous control over 2 stepper motors and…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 Hi, I have a request.
I need to upgrade the software( app size 33kb) on MSP430F2410 ( no by Jtag). Is possible to download new software by the serial interface? If yes can you suggest a safe method ( power Off…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 Hi i am using msp430f2410 MCU with CCS 6.0 compiler.
32KHZ external clock is connected to Xin/Xout (Pin8&9)
Below is my code.
#include "msp430f2410.h"
void main(void)
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 What is the equivalent GCC code for the below TI compiler code.
__no_init volatile WORD TxIV;
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 I am using MSP430F2410 in CC6.
Migrating code from TI V4.3.1 compiler to GCC in CCS6.0
I want to know what is the alternate for the below TI compiler code in GCC
#pragma DATA_ALIGN(GenPurposeBuffer, 2);
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410
What is silicon errata in CCS settings (Properties->CCS Build->MSP430compiler->Advanced options->Run Time model options)
I can see below..
Workaround specified silicon errata (--silicon_errata)…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2410 I can see MEMORY and SECTIONS exist in both the linker files.
Apart from that i can see lot more in GCC msp430f2410.ld file.
Especially for the application specific segments apart from adding MEMORY and sections…
I also have MSP430F2410 on target board. I have designed it to program using 2 wire JTAG SBW. But later I realised that MSP430F2410 does not support 2 wire jtagsbw.
I have a 6 pin header for programming interface in following manner:
Pin1 --- RST…