Part Number: MSP430F2618 Tool/software: Hello,
Does MSP430F2618TZCAR meet functional safety standards? What models of MSP430 series products support functional safety?
Part Number: MSP430F2618 Tool/software: Hello,
Problem: Recently, there have been four consecutive cases of high static power consumption after soldering of microcontrollers, with a probability of 1%. The microcontroller model is MSP430F2618TZCAR.
Part Number: MSP430F2618 Tool/software: Hi
I'm using MSP430F2618 DAC12 modulel to generate an analog value as the Vin+ input of a comparator. the schematic is shown as following. The reference voltage is supplied by a MAX9015 which has 1uA output…
Part Number: MSP430F2618 Tool/software: I'm attempting to resurrect an old design with this component on it (obsolete now).
I'm aware it has extended temperature range. This is not needed for the final device. I would like to…
Part Number: MSP430F2618
I wish to use the low frequency crystal oscillator LFXT1 / ACLK as the source for main processor clock MCLK.
The processor defaults to Digitally controlled Oscillator DCO at start up, and I will code the change to…
Abdel said: CODEGEN-1476: EXT_EP-8121:
For more context, here is the forum thread which resulted in this entry being filed. It can only occur in hand-coded assembly. Since ...
Abdel said: we do not utilize assembler code
... you can ignore it.
Abdel said…
Part Number: MSP430F2618 I'm attempting to understand the behavior of the compiler when executing the CLRX(.B,.A) dst command on the MSP430F2618 microcontroller (uC). Specifically, I'm trying to grasp the addressing mode for extended instructions…
Part Number: MSP430F2618 Greetings.
We have a data logger based on the MSP430Fx2xx processor using a GSM modem for remote access.
Our GSM code is old 2.5G with GPRS. We are upgrading to 4G. The 4G modem uses the AT command set.
We connect to remote servers…