Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4132 , MSP430F1121 , TEST2 , MSP-TS430PM64A , MAX3221 , TUSB3410 , MSP430F1612 , MSP430F5529 Hello, I am having issues loading the bootloader code into MSP430F4132.
The TEST/RST patterns shown in SLAU319g document are right…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4132 , MSP430F1612 Hello,
I am working on a project with MSP430F4132 and the datasheet specifies that maximum crystal oscillator frequency is 6MHz. Incidentally I bought the Launchpad EVM that has an MSP430F1612 MC…
For F41x,(Ff4152 in my case) inthe Bootstrap Loader Manual in section 4.1.3, it says the BSL RXD pin is P1.1, like it does in the data sheet while in Table 5.2 it says P2.1. Which is correct?
I need a clarification for the connections to a static display from the LCD controller. Do I need the external resistor divider and R03, R13, R23 and R33? It appears that I only need to connect R03 and R33 (with the 4.7 uf cap) to get all the functionality…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4132 I am using an MSP430F4132 to communicates asynchronously with a Nordic Semiconductor NRF24AP2 ANT protocol/Transceiver IC. The NRF24AP2 does not seem to recognize any of the UART commands that I have sent, although…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4132 Hello,
I am using the MSP430F4132. I have it configured as an I2C slave device. I have very simple code set up to do a one byte read and a one byte wright based off of the Rx and Tx interrupts. The master can…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4132 E2E Community,
I've recently been trying to get the LCD_A Control Module working on the F4132 and have run into some trouble getting the pins to interact with my LCD. From my understanding, the updating the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4132 Hi,
I have the following question from a customer.
When the MSP430F4132 enters LPM4 mode, the current drops to something in the range of 160-180 nA which is well within spec. Sometimes, after tens of seconds…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4132 At prsent we are working on msp430F4132 and are facing problem in accessing UART interface.
We are using 32khz external crystal as ossilatior and giving mclk = 7.99 Mhz frequency
by the formula:
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4132 Dear TI,
we are developing a product for which we are using MSP430F4132.we have designed the layout for a 4-wire interface according to the document http://focus.ti.com/lit/ug/slau278e/slau278e.pdf .