Part Number: MSP430F4784 Hi,
I'm currently working on MSP430F4784. Here I'm interfacing LCD 16x2 for data view purpose.
I'm using 4 data pin communication
RS - P2.0
EN - P2.1
RW - Gnd
D4 - P2.2
D5 - P2.3
D6 - P2.4
D7 - P2.5
Used pot for Vee…
Part Number: MSP430F4784 Hi,
I'm currently working on MSP430F4784.
I'm just using GPIO pins to read 24V signal ON & OFF.
My application code is running perfectly for some certain time.
but suddenly controller is getting hang and some pins…
Part Number: MSP430F4784 Hi,
I'm currently using MSP430F4784.
Here I'm using DCO clock, which is 8MHz.
I want to increase the clock 12 - 16MHz.
what are the possible ways to get the desired clock in MSP430F4784.
Below given is clock initialization…
Part Number: MSP430F4784 Hi,
I'm currently using MSP430F4784.
Here I want to display powering off on LCD while the main supply is powered off.
and also while powering on I have to see powering on display, for that I enabled IE1 (OFIE) bit for initial…
Part Number: MSP430F4784 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCA9539 Hi,
I'm currently working on MSP430F4784. In this I'm trying to communicate with two slave devices( Temperature sensor TC74A0 & I/O expander PCA9539 ) using I2C (UCB1).
So far…
Part Number: MSP430F4784 Hi,
Currently I'm using MSP430F4784. I'm trying to interface OLED display to view data. Display interface using I2C.
issue here is when I run program in debug mode that to in step in only display works.
not working in…
Part Number: MSP430F4784 Hi,
I'm currently using MSP430F4784 controller.
In this I want to make a N number of delays (maximum 10sec delay only).
I'm able to achieve the required delay I want but while the program is running the execution stays at…
Part Number: MSP430F4784 Hi,
Currently I'm using MSP430F4784. To test the controller is working I simply programmed LED blink.
When ran this program in debug mode it worked fine. However, when the debugger is stopped and I reset the controller the…
Part Number: MSP430F4784 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPBSL Hi team,
I got some inquiries about ""Creating a Cusom BSL". Customer seems to investigate custom BSL for MSP430. Customer is referring to this document(…