Part Number: MSP430F5308 Tool/software: Hi Team,
On CCS 12.8.1, regarding TimerA, the timer cannot start right after MC__UP is executed. Could you please verify this? Thank you.
TA0CTL = TASSEL__ACLK | MC__UP | TACLR; // SMCLK, up mode, clear TAR
Hi Ito
>> Xiaodong: I think DCOCLK accuarcy is matched with the specification on DS (3.5% full temperature and 1.5% at 2C)
>> Ito: I am thinking that if all 12780 counts are shifted by 3.5% or 1.5%, they will be shifted by -223.65ms or -95.85ms…
Part Number: MSP430F5308 Is the UCS system in RevF material different from that of Rev C or Rev D devices?
I tried using an external oscillator to provide a 24MHz clock signal and could not get MCLK stable with OFIFG remaining "one". It can only work…
Part Number: MSP430F5308 Hi,All
(For a board ambient temperature of 22.2°C, humidity of 42%, DCO 25Mhz) What is the clock accuracy?
Please let me know the clock accuracy under my conditions, not under the conditions of the datasheet.
MSP430F5310, MSP430F530x…
Part Number: MSP430F5308 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HDC1080 , ADS1248 Hi,
I am using MSP430F5308 microcontroller. I am reading data from ADS1248. I am reading temperature and humidity from HDC1080 and sending it to LoRa Module via SPI. But when I…
Part Number: MSP430F5308 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio -F5308 running XT2 = 8 MHz, takes over 300 us to respond to a rising edge interrupt from an opto-isolated 60Hz AC line zero-crossing pulse (from an H11AA1 IC). In photos below, blue trace is…
Part Number: MSP430F5308 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5508 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi,
We designed a board based on MSP430f5508 micro controller. we use USB in our design to talk to the Host PC. USB device is not detected by the…
Part Number: MSP430F5308 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi~
I am a beginner to the MSP430. I am testing ADC with IAR.
Each channel of the ADC was confirmed with the help of various materials.
But I can not read more than 2 channel values.
I want…