Part Number: MSP430F5503 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5510 , , MSP430F5507 Tool/software: Hello,Greetings!
In an effort to ensure our products comply with environmental regulation Compliance requirements, we are contacting you.
Can you please…
Part Number: MSP430F5503 Tool/software: I am using the SPI of my MSP430F5503 as a slave on the UCB1 interface with the following configuration.
UCB1CTL1 = UCSWRST; // Enable SW reset - Starts config…
Part Number: MSP430F5503 Hello, I have a product that uses the MSP430F5503IRGZR. I would like to use the MSP430F5507IRGZR as any alternate. Is any firmware or hardware change required to use the '5507 version? For example, are any changes required to…
Part Number: MSP430F5503 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430WARE Hi experts,
The CCS project uses the following: C:\ti\msp\MSP430Ware_3_80_11_07\usblib430\MSP430_USB_Software\MSP430_USB_API\examples\HID_humanInterface\Traditional\H8_Keyboard
The MSP430…
Part Number: OPT3101EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5503 , OPT3101 Hi,
Where can I find the factory program which comes with MCU MSP430F5503 that controls OPT3101 in EVM? Is it the same as SDK project?
Sandeep Samaylal
Part Number: MSP430F5503 Hi,
I have a question about VBONIFG on MSP430F5503. The VBONIFG flag is set when VBUS exceeds VLAUNCH(3.75V).
Is this interrupt detected at the edge or level? I think it will be detected at the level, but I want to know it just…
Part Number: MSP430F5503 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5521
this error is coming I have checked with other pcs and unplugging multiple times, Initially, it happened daily 1 time like that later on the frequency is increased and now its always…
Part Number: MSP430F5503 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPBSL Hi Team,
Please find some customer feedback below.
We use the MSP430F5503 for a project with parameterization via USB-HID and I would like to be able to update the firmware in the field…
Part Number: MSP430F5503 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio I'm trying to import this project into CCS Cloud. The git interface isn't working, but I was able to upload all of the files. I attempted to Import CCS Project, but the "Build Project" option…