So I've noticed a strange problem implementing my uart interrupt handler. According to the documentation, the UCA0TXIFG is set when the uart is ready for more data, and cleared when data is written to it. What I'm seeing with the debugger is…
Hello Luis,
Luis H. S. said: What are they using to read the BQ76952/BQ769142? bqStudio or their own MCU?
They are using MSP430F5522 to read BQ769142, BQ769142's CommType=0x11, and have enabled IIC CRC.
Thanks and regards,
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5522 Hi, I just want to start off by saying this is probably my fault in that I tried making some kind of custom driver for my device using LabView. I may have messed some descriptor files up or something. Who knows…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5522 I am using msp430f5522 usb module, together with smclk output on pin P2.2/TA2CLK/SMCLK.
I am using XT2 to drive both smclk and mclk.
I have tried this configuration in some sample prototypes, and usb is not…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F1232 , MSP430F1611 Hi,
I'm having a problem with XT2 (8 MHz) starting on one PCB but it works fine on another PCB (same PCB, same firmware). The symptoms are that XT2OUT goes high and XT2IN stays low. I have tried…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5522 , MSP430F5529 Hi,
I've connected a 24Mhz xtal ( http://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/NDK%20PDFs/NX3225SA.pdf ) to an MSP430F5522 with two 16pF caps, and the device fails miserably when I try to source…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5522 I am using the MSP430F5522 for a simple digital oscilloscope for my senior design project. I've created a program in LabView that will display all the data coming in, so that part of the project is finished…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5522 Hi,
I'm need to measure how long a gate pulse in on for at high frequency (<=100 ns) between a start and stop pulse. There may be tens of gate pulses between the start and stop. When the gate is high, I want…
I'm looking and can't find the drive power from the F5522 for XT2. The crystals I'm looking at have max power levels of 100 uW. Will the F5522 overpower the crystal? The frequency is 8 MHz. A 32 kHz crystal is not an option in this application…
Part Number: MSP-FET Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5522 , UNIFLASH Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hello,
I haven't used my black MSP-FET in a while. Yesterday I plugged it into my Windows 10 PC and launched CCS10, and was told the programmer…