Part Number: MSP430F5529 Tool/software: Hi,
On a couple of evaluation modules, they use MSP430F5529IP to implement the USB-I2C bridge. Is the code readily available to port over to this part or another micro? Is it possible to send a link?
Thank you…
Part Number: MSP430F5529 Tool/software: Just starting to setup CCS2001 for use on a MSP430 project. Have installed CCS2001 on linux (not allowed windows in this facility - thankfully). Managed to get CCS installed in the proper place (not my personal…
Part Number: MSP430F5529 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA Tool/software: Hi,
I'm using the energia program to do a task that I'm having difficulty with. I want 2 my launchpad to have 2 LEDs. When I tell it to, I want one LED be on while the other…
Part Number: MSP430F5529 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430F5529LP , ENERGIA Tool/software: How do I access the eeprom on the MSP-EXP430F5529LP? I'm trying to have a simple code on energia to simply write to 2 LEDs using a button but I want the…
Part Number: MSP430F5529
This seems to be a frequent issue and in reading the search results a clear resolution is not shown. In the code below the getVersionInfo(); routine being called in main() is hanging where I commented in release…
Part Number: MSP430F5529 Tool/software: I have successfully completed a prototype using the TI MSP430F5529 LaunchPad.
But before an initial PCB run I wanted to prototype the hardware exactly as will be implemented in the final design.
As the LaunchPad…
Part Number: MSP430F5529 Tool/software: Hello,
I am planning on using the MSP430F5529. It will be connected to a host computer via USB.
Is there a way to flash/upgrade the firmware only through the USB without any other interfaces such as UART or buttons…
Part Number: MSP430F5529 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR2311 Tool/software: Where can I find documentation of these CCS commands, macros, or whatever they call them.
Part Number: MSP430F5529 Tool/software: I am working on MSP430F5529LP development board. By default it runs at 1MHz. The development board also comes with a 4MHz crystal which can be used as a clock source at XT2. I am trying to do that, but for some…