Part Number: MSP430F6459-HIREL Hi,
I'm writing incremented counter value for every 1 sec into DS28E07P+ form MSP430 controller even after the power off and on i want to recover the previous data which is written in the EPROM and then i need to increment…
Part Number: MSP430F6459-HIREL Hi,
Can i use SPI clock as 24bit instead of 8bit.
And can i multiply the SMCLK with an integer, Because i want to SPI clock frequency as12MHz frequency without using XT2.
Part Number: MSP430F6459-HIREL Hi,
I want generate the DAC output frequency as 400Hz and with the peak-to-peak voltage of 0.9V
Suggest how it attain and any reference code for altering the frequency of DAC.
Part Number: MSP430F6459-HIREL Can i generate the DAC output voltage as 0.9V ?
Because, with the REF voltage of the DAC mentioned as 1.5V and AVcc we are getting 0.75V and 1.5V peak to peak.
If I want to get DAC output as 0.9V what are the registers do…
Part Number: MSP430F6459-HIREL Actually, i connected the 19.6MHz crystal to the controller but while we checking the clock its not showing the frequency on scope.
Can anyone explain the what would be the reason and share the supported schematics with…
Part Number: MSP430F6459-HIREL Hi,
i am using examples from driverlib directory present in mspware SDK with CCS version 11.2 .
i am able to generate sin wave with formula mentioned below:
sineWave[i] = (uint16_t)((sinf((2 * M_PI * i) / TABLE_SIZE) + 1…
Part Number: MSP430F6459-HIREL Hi,
how can i generate I-phase and Q-phase (sine and cos) data from DAC0 and DAC1 of microcontroller and the peak to peak voltage must be 0.9v ?
where can i find example code for generating I - phase and Q- phase data ?
Part Number: MSP430F6459-HIREL Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6459 Looking at the datasheet for the use of USCI functions... please confirm I am interpreting this correctly. When using the USCI, are there truly 6 separate independent serial functions…