Part Number: MSP430F6735A Tool/software: Hi,
The customer is doing valve communication at USCI_A0, and home net communication at USCI_A1.
When valve communication and homenet communication are performed at the same time, homenet communication causes…
Part Number: MSP430F6735A Hello,
I am using SD24 with external VREF=1.25V, AVCC=3.0V. My Differential input is 0~1V. Vi,V- = 1.25V. Vi,A+=1.25~2.25V, and is greater than VREF but still lerss than AVCC. Would this design work?
Part Number: MSP430F6735A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EVM430-F6736 , MSP430F6735 , MSP430F6736 , Hi TI Folks,
Good day to you.
We are going to design a Single-Phase Electronic Watt-Hour Meter using MSP430F6735IPN refer to TI EVM EVM430-F6736, We need…
Part Number: MSP430I2041 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430I2040 , MSP430F6735A , MSP430I2020 Question
What are the absolute max values (positive and negative with respect to AVSS) that we can apply without degrading the msp430i2041 SD24 analog inputs…
Hi James
Thanks for the information
I found in the Link :
" We are no longer supporting the old DLMS library as we are revamping it for newer requirements. We will support the newer library to the customers depending upon the opportunity/project "…
As one more update, you can find the full revision table of compatible hardware and software revisions included in the release notes:
See the section called "Version Matrix"
Hi SeaFesse, If you check the release notes from version, in the Version Matrix section, you'll see that the MSP-GANG HW v1.04 is only compatible with version and higher. So this combination should not be used - please use the latest…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640 , CCSTUDIO , CC2538 CCS not detecting installed compiler tools in Windows Docker container for CI build Hello all BACKGROUND: I'm trying to set up a CI build for a CC2640 processor using a Windows Docker container. I…