Part Number: MSP430F67791A Hi All,
Ive set the fll speed to 17203200 through UCS_initFLL function, with XT1 as reference. When i use the GetMCLKSpeed function, i get 17Mhz. However, when i output it, with MCLK pin output, the oscilloscope measures 2MHz. Whats…
Hi Nitheesh,
In the MCU, the GPIO will be configured as an input and I suggest having an interrupt for when the GPIO changes states. In the interrupt service routine, you can then take a capture of the RTC values for a timestamp and do other processing…
Part Number: MSP430F67791A Hello. I have connected SDxN0 and added voltage divided by R19 and R20 as shown in the attached circuit. When I turn on the power supply, 12mA flows to SD_N, which causes a voltage drop. I have 6 ports of SDxN0 connected and I…
gvs t said: But communication is intermittently successful and fails most of the times.
Fails in what way? Transmit? Receive? Parity error? Framing error?
Part Number: MSP430F67791A
Hello team,
Greetings for the day!
I have the following two queries:
I wanted to explore Energy Measurement Design Center(EMDC). Please let me know how do I identify the circuit components required for 3-phase energy meter…
Part Number: MSP430F67791A Hi Team, May I know how is the delay calculated for the 1.15v of reference voltage?
P.S: The family user guide states that the Vref =1.2v
Part Number: MSP430F67791A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430WARE Dear Sir,
I am considering using MSP430F67791A for LCD display (7SEG 3 digits). I was going to use driverlib. I have looked at the MSP430 DriverLib for MSP430F5xx_6xx Devices User'sGuide…
Hi Yamamoto
according to Table 5-46. SD24_B External Reference Input of device data sheet,
VREF(I) Input voltage is from 1.0V to 1.5V at the External Reference Input