Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F425 , MSP430FE425 , MSP430F425A Dear All,
I have developed a measuring instrument using MSP430F425 & im putting into production. I am asked for clarity from distributor if want MSP430F425 or MSP430Fe425 ?
Hello Mahesh,
I'm guessing that it's been a fairly long time since you've worked on the MSP430FE425...
I am facing some trouble with the LCD interface... the Static mode itself... Could you share any details regarding the same?
also, what…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FE425 , MSP430FE425A I am using MSP430FE425 to implement A Single Phase Energy Meter and i have some problems in generating Energy Impulses
How can i use the direct method to generate Energy Impulses using MSP430…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FE425 hi,
we are using MSP430FE425 for Single Phase E-Meter.
we are facing a problem with optical interface,we are unable to receive & transmit the data through Optical.
Is any driver required to drive the optocoupler…
Part Number: MSP430F425 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FE425 Hi All,
I am have currently intefaced the MSP430F425 with a 5 digit, 7 segment display. I am able to calculate a value & display a 5 digit number it on the same. Now i intend to use…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5529 , MSP430WARE , MSP430FE425 Is it possible to Retrieve the stored/uploaded code from the MSP430 launchpad since I lost my source code.
Kindly mention the steps if any.
Praveen Reddy Athapuram said:
Hi every one,
I'm working on single phase energy meter using MSP430FE425 with an inbuilt ESP430CE1. I have gone through the data sheets and all other materials. using which i got Voltage , current, frequency and power factor…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FE425 Dear All,
I am doing project on Energy meter using
For the energy meter development, I used the TI demo
code from the website. I am able to communicate the external EEPROM
(24c04) & getting…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FE425 , MSP430FE427 HI,
Our firmware team of Mir Cueflux Electrical Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India is working on MSP430FE425 , for the energy meter project & would be connected in I2C. Could you please provide…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FE425 Hi everybody,
I am doing a project in msp430fe425 which need lcd interface. i have configured the registers but the segment turn on only for 1 to 2 seconds and then off .can any one know the reason for this…