Part Number: MSP430FR2475 Tool/software: Hi Team
The Firmware upgrade is done using BSL rocket tool using BSL scripter command line tool through UART.
Can you please suggest for the below case if firmware can be upgraded?
When code / firmware is already…
Hi Gary
Thanks for the reply.
Here at our end, we are able to upgrade the FW with BSL rocket setup. The issue was regarding the UART connections as Tx/Rx are already swapped inside the BSL rocket tool.
Part Number: MSP430FR2475 Tool/software: I'm trying to sort out the DCO-FLL configuration/calibration. I read through UG, datasheet and MSP430FR2xx/FR4xx DCO+FLL Applications Guide.
I still don't have all of it straight. Please indicate below…
Part Number: MSP430FR2475
I have a product, where serial communication fails at low temperatures ( <5 degree celcius ).
I am using the DCO (16MHz) to generate my 115200 Buadrate
I am using an external XTAL at 32768hz.
This is my…
Part Number: MSP430FR2475 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS56528 Tool/software: Hello TI team,
We are designing a product based on MSP430FR2475 MCU.
We have used TI buck, TI USB PD controller with this MCU based design.
Please check the consolidated…
Part Number: MSP430FR2475 Tool/software: Hi TI Team,
In our design, we are using two MSP430FR2475TPT microcontrollers for communication, the two GPIO pins shared between the two MCUs: P1.2 and P1.3 .
I2C Support
According to the datasheet, P1.2 can be…
Part Number: MSP430FR2475 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65988 , , MSP-FET Tool/software: Hello TI Team,
We are designing a Dock station, it has the two major controllers.
1. TPS65988 - USB PD controller for negotiation
2. MSP430FR2475 - low power…
Part Number: MSP430FR2475 Tool/software:
Below is my code snippet for GPIO interrupt. Timer interrupt is used for taking time ticks in the code. When interrupt is received, the interrupt gets detected and code works sometimes properly, but in…
Part Number: MSP430FR2475 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET Tool/software: Hello Team,
In one of the projects of MSP430FR-2475, there is a requirement to upgrade the MCU firmware using UART interface without MSP-FET debugger/programmer. Can you…
Hello Garima,
You can refer to this figure:
And about more detailed information about MSP430 BSL, I recommend you to read this used guide, I think it can resolve most of your questions.
MSP430 Flash Devices Bootloader (BSL) User's Guide (Rev. AF) …