Hi Ido,
Again I think the best next step here is to try calibrating and measuring the flow at the low flow rate, then without changing the calibration, and only changing the meter constant, try measuring a high flow of 1000lph. This would emulate what…
Hi Ephraim,
Sorry for the later response. I saw that you got a logic analyzer now, could you help to capture all the signal of Reset pin, test pin, UART pins here? Could you show me where to install the software to see the wave form.
Part Number: MSP430FR50431 Hi,
Following our conversations - Today we burned the template code of 6047 on our card that contains the msp50431, we changed the target in the build setting so that the cmd file changed for 50431. In this case we got a good…
Part Number: MSP430FR50431 Hi,
I connected our board that contains the MSP50431 to a clip-on system to make water measurements.
When I burn the demo code, I go to the variable that contains the ADC SIGNAL values, I get good values, see picture:
Part Number: MSP430FR50431 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EVM430-FR6043 Hi,
I'm opening an orderly request here so we can follow up. We have been stuck on this problem for several weeks without finding an adequate solution. We use the msp430fr50431…
Part Number: MSP430FR50431 Tool/software: Hi,
I am trying to understand what is the difference between Gap between Pulse Start and ADC Capture (us) and these parameters: Start PPG Count (ns), Turn on ADC Count (ns) If I actually control the GAP between…
Part Number: MSP430FR50431 Hi,
I use the code of the 6043 template example For the purpose of using our board which contains 50431.
I checked through the EVM and saw that the ADC was indeed normal with values ranging from 500 to minus 500, then I checked…
Part Number: MSP430FR50431 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR6043 , , MSP430FR5041 , MSP430FR5043 hi,
i build and try to debug the following TI code: msp430fr6043_euscib0_i2c_11.c. when trying to flash i get this msg. in red:
MSP430: Error connecting…
Part Number: MSP430FR50431 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR6043 hi there,
does TI have I2C examples using polling and not interrupts as in msp430fr6043_euscib0_i2c_11 and msp430fr6043_euscib0_i2c_10
Part Number: MSP430FR50431 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR6041 , MSP430WARE , MSP430FR6043 , MSP430FR5043 , MSP430FR5041 hi there.
i want to configure the MSP430FR5043I for I2C slave mode. i am working with the following TI examples: MSP430FR6043EVM_USS_Water_Demo…