Part Number: MSP430FR5729 In a previous thread I asked about problems we were having with a small number of boards using the MSP430FR5729, where we were seeing UBDIFG SYSNMI interrupts regularly (uncorrectable FRAM bit error). Replacing the MSP430 on…
Part Number: MSP430FR5729 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-GANG I'm using the MSP430FR5729 and have a strange situation where on two boards (and only two boards at this point), the SYSNMI ISR is being triggered because of UBDIFG (FRAM uncorrectable…
Part Number: MSP430FR5729 I believe I've discovered a bug in DRIVERLIB version In the file usci_b_i2c.c, in the function EUSCI_B_I2C_masterReceiveMultiByteFinish() is the following code:
uint8_t EUSCI_B_I2C_masterReceiveMultiByteFinish…
内部时钟典型频率是8MHz, 请参考5.16 DCO Frequencies of MSP430FR572x Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers datasheet (Rev. C)
内部时钟需要配置,可以参考3.4.2 CSCTL1 Register of MSP430FR57xx Family User's Guide (Rev. D)
软件配置方法可以参考MSP430FR57xx_CS_01.c of MSP430FR573x, MSP430FR572x C Code…
Part Number: MSP430FR5729 Need help understanding the eUSCI ports for orderables. For MSP430FR5729 it mean I have 3 serial comms ports for the IC? Same logic would apply to MSP430FR57 28 supporting 2 serial comms ports? Ultimately my customer is looking…
Part Number: MSP430FR5729 I try to configure a clock scheme as: "crystal oscillator 20MHz -> XTAL1 -> SMCLK". Divider I set to 4. The program with the code that I configure a clock and the crystal connection scheme is below. I expect take…
Part Number: MSP430FR5729 Hello All,
I want to know the difference between comp_d and comp_e comparator module...
Which is better in-terms of current consumption and performance???
With Regards
Aalekh Devari
Part Number: MSP430FR5729
Hello, I'm using a MCP23S08 8-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface.
I want flash the LED with an SPI Microchip "MCP23S08".
My C Code:
#include <msp430.h>
#define MCP_IODIR 0x00
#define MCP_IPOL 0x01
Part Number: MSP430FR5729 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR2355 Hi there,
Would need your guidance here:
I am considering the MSP430FR5729IRHAT in a new project. Is this still a good alternative or do you suggest something else?