Part Number: MSP430FR5849 Tool/software: Hello!
I am currently attempting to use the MSP listed in the forum as a data collector and I am trying to store the data into the FRAM by using the " #pragma PERSISTENT". I don't fully understand how this…
Part Number: MSP430FR5849 Tool/software: I am working on with a SPI based accelerometer and I am trying to run a function on all of the sampled data. I was able to read all of our data and save it to memory in prior tests but when I attempt to run our…
Part Number: MSP430FR5849 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5859 Hi,
Good Day.
Customer is currently using a 32.768Khz external crystal with the MSP430FR5849, but he can only source the MSP430FR5859. He assume if he use the MSP430FR5859, he will…
Part Number: MSP430FR5849 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: STRIKE Hello,
SLAA322D (MSP430 32-kHz Crystal Oscillators) says that the MSP430 crystal oscillator is a Pierce oscillator. Suppose you perform an ESD test on this Pierce oscillator. If this Pierce…
Part Number: MSP430FR5849 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5848 , , CCSTUDIO , MSP430FR5949 We use the MSP430FR5849 on a product PCB. Due to availability issues, I am looking at using the 48K version (MSP430FR5848) or the very similar MSP430FR5949…
Part Number: MSP430FR5849 Hello,
When I check the electrical characteristics of the DCO in the data sheet, I see that the DCO error is ±3.5% @ 1MHz. Is this fixed for each individual device? For example, ±1% for device A, ±2% for device B, and so…
Part Number: MSP430FR5849 Hello,
The customer is considering the MSP430FR5849IRHA. They are considering doing corrosion testing on this device. They are concerned about the condition of the plating on the device pin leads. The customer mentioned that they…
Part Number: MSP430FR5849 We are using an MSP430FR5849 in a custom board design. In this design, port 3 pin 7 is used to switch a power supply on the board (the EN line of a LM73606RNPT Buck Switching Regulator) on and off. This line has an external 10kohm…
Part Number: MSP430FR5849 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5739 We are using an MSP430FR5849 in our design. The software is currently configured to use DMA channel 0 to receive from the EUSCI_A UART and DMA channel 1 to transmit to that UART. …
Part Number: MSP430FR5849 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430WARE Not sure if there is a better way to report a bug with driverlib code or not. But I've noticed the following:
In the file timer_b.c of the driverlib code, the functions such as Timer_B_initUpMode…