Part Number: MSP430FR5869 Hello,
The customer uses the MSP430FR5869 for temperature sensing, When comparing the two devices, the result of one is very different.
According to Errata's ADC67, the calibration data may be incorrect. The lot trace code…
Part Number: MSP430FR5869 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGYTRACE Hi, is tools like TI-RTOS Analizer, EnergyTrace, others popular are fully compatible with SWI?
Part Number: MSP430FR5869 Hi All,
I am currently working on MSP430FR5869. Now when I am doing BSL mass erase by sending mass erase command to MCU through UART MCU returns with mass erase fail response. Now when I read the datasheet for MSP430FR5869 it…
Part Number: MSP430FR5869
I want to config MSP430FR5869 UCA0 port for UART communication with other MCU. My baud rate is 115200 and I am using SMCLK for frequency. My configuration is below but when I use oscillosope to measure I am not sending anything…
Part Number: MSP430FR5869
I am trying to use MSP430FR5869 as SPI master. I am configuring UCB0 port for MISO and MOSI data transfer. I have followed sample code given below
int main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog…
Part Number: MSP430FR5869 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-TS430RGZ48C , Hello,
I put MSP430FR5869 on MSP-TS430RGZ48C. MSP430 has uart communication with PC.
MSP430 receives tera term data. After that, the data is sent back to the tera term in the interrupt…
Part Number: MSP430FR5869 Hello,
A question related to an unintended reset. Unintentional reset has also occurred in LPM2. At that time, when SYSRSTIV was read, it was SYSRSTIV = 0x000E. This flag indicates that the voltage has dropped, but no matter…
Part Number: MSP430FR5869 Hi all,
Now we are designing a sensing system with MSP430FR5869s like this figure.
Every MSPs will run 1 MHz Clock or LPM3. Then the power supply will provide 370uA x 24 = 8880uA = 8.88mA as maximum when system is running. When…
Part Number: MSP430FR5869 Hi, MSP experts;
We are using MSP430FR5869. The data sheet describes the input capacitance of shared port pin values 5pF typically. But I feel it's bigger than the data sheet on our testing PCB.. My question is as follows: Is…