Well, the EXP430G2 was handy back in the day for the "Control of hardware bits over USB" use cases, but I guess it is past its useful life now. I replaced this device with a Raspberry Pi Pico and a bit of microPython code.
Part Number: MSP430G2231 #include "msp430.h"
void main(void)
WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // stop watchdog timer
// We need to make a variable to generate a Delay
volatile unsigned int i;
P1DIR |= BIT0; //Declare the…
Part Number: MSP430G2231 I attempted to create a small clock using a MAX7219 for the display. I wrote some code, and while the display does show, it gets stuck at the end. During debugging, I noticed that when I pause the program, it stops on the following…
Part Number: MSP430G2231 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH , MSP-EXP430G2ET I tried to upload the program by using Uni Flash program, but it couldn't work well.
By the way, another PC is work well. just some of PC is not working correctly.
Part Number: MSP430G2231 Hello.
I'm trying to read & write to specific devices on an i2c bus by address, since i have more than one device on my bus.
Currently I'm using the i2c.h library by Kerry D. Wong, which is mainly adapted from the example…
Part Number: MSP430G2231 Hello.
I'm having some trouble implementing timer based software UART with my project. On my generic MSP430 Value Line Launchpad, software UART works just fine. But when i transfer my MCU to a breadboard, I get no output from…
Part Number: MSP430G2231 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CODECOMPOSER When trying to build the below code i get a F_CPU undefined error and an DC0CTL undefined error. What is the problem , Using Code composer and an LaunchPad
#include <msp430g2231…
Part Number: MSP430G2231 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET Hi there,
I am trying to load a program to an MSP430G2231 device via Spy-Bi-Wire interface using MSP-FET.
I have inherited the board (ie not my hardware design but I understand it has been…
Part Number: MSP430G2231 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640R2F Hello Team, So we want to design a very low-power IOT Vibration Sensor Module. After researching we have selected some components to use these are Microcontroller is MSP430G2231 The BLE…