Part Number: MSP430G2452 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2553 , , MSP430G2453 Hello,
I have used the spi in the MSP430G2553. This also worked in the hardware.
Then I switched the cip to MSP430G2452 in CCSV10. CCS now shows many errors in the area…
Part Number: MSP430G2452 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2013 , MSP-FET , UNIFLASH (Almost too embarrassed to state that title, as its featured countless times since the MSP430-FET arrived.)
My problem:
I have used the MSP430F2013 and its tiny cousins…
Part Number: MSP430G2452 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGYTRACE ,
I am currently working on a MSP430 ULP design and i integrated the energytrace circuit into our "dev" board.
The dev board contains the ULP design along with an "instrumentation…
Part Number: MSP430G2452 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-GANG I am new to MSP Gang and tried the C# example provided with the download but the program is unable to communicate with my device (MCU Init Error 23). I am able to talk to the device through…
Part Number: MSP430G2452 Hi,
I am thinking about to develop the I2C application of 2452.
I wonder if i can used the virtual COM port on the EVM board to send the I2C command out to the target 2452?
if the virtual COM port is unable to used in this way…
Part Number: MSP430G2452 Hi,
for a project that involve the safety we need to test the assembler instructions use by micro MSP430G2452; the sequence of test need to starting from basic instruction and end with the instructions more complex using the instructions…
Part Number: MSP430F2013
Due to limited amount of flash on MSP430 F2013 my bootloader (located in upper 1K of flash) handles some of low level I2C functionality and passes the execution to the application (located in lower 1K of flash). The execution is…
Part Number: MSP430G2452 Our design has a tamper switch [like a push button] and uses an internal pull-up resistor. If the temperature drops, certain devices [very small percentage] will trigger a tamper when the temperature drops. Is it possible that…
Part Number: MSP430G2452 Hi Team,
Our customer would like to know if there is a way to reduce the current draw for an input interrupt that is configured to trigger on a low to high [or high to low] transition in LPM3 mode and has its internal pull-up…
Part Number: MSP430G2452 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2332 , MSP430G2332 = MSP430G2452? The MSP430G2332 is able to act the same as 2452 - same ID, 8KB flash programmable, comparator exists and working, etc