Part Number: MSP430I2041 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F67791 Tool/software: Hi, We are trying to calibrate MS430i2041.
When calibrating gain we are supplying test parms 230v 10A with 0 Phase angle. we are able to calibrate V and I however Phase…
The issue is resolved. For the benefits of anyone else running into this, the NAKs were because the slave was getting reset repeatedly. It takes some time for the slave to reset and initialise I2C again, and in the interim, the SDA is not pulled low by…
Part Number: MSP430I2041 Tool/software: MSP430 datasheet said, Connect recommended resistor between ROSC and AVSS for DCO operation in external resistor mode. Connect ROSC to AVSS while operating DCO in internal resistor mode.
Now I am using internal…
Part Number: MSP430I2041 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F67641A , MSP430F6779A Tool/software: Is there a fundamental technical issue with using two i2041 devices for a three phase meter? First device has 4 SD channels - two V/I channels can fit…
Part Number: MSP430I2041 Tool/software: Hello,
May I have question about electrical specificetion of MAP430I20xx clock?
I think this device can use external ocillator for main clock.
The input port is CLKIN.
I find only frequency specification in DS. …
Part Number: MSP430I2041 Tool/software: Hi everyone,
I would like to ask/confirm what the ΣΔ ADC input voltages limits are.
Based on the datasheet, i see that when internal VREF is used (SD24REFS = 1) the differential input range is (as per…
Part Number: MSP430I2041 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EVM430-I2040S , Tool/software: Hi all,
I design my 220V/50Hz energy metter using MSP430i2041 based on EVM430-I2040S reference design.
I can measure all AC parameters like current, voltage, frequency…
Part Number: MSP430I2041 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430F5529LP , UNIFLASH , EVM430-I2040S Tool/software: Hello everyone, I design an application about energy metering, using MSP430i2041 as controller. I use energy measurement design center to…
Part Number: MSP430I2041 Tool/software:
I found this thread, created many year ago,
Does the Energy Measurement Design Center suport Harmonics report at this time?