Part Number: MSPM0L1304 Tool/software: Hi,
I want to use MSPM0L1304 with IAR 9.10.2, can I get the device support package based on IAR 9.10.2. thanks.
Best regards.
Part Number: MSPM0L1304 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0G3507 Tool/software: Hello, I am using the microcontroller MSPM0L1304 and the IDE CCS 20.0.1. I would like to make a “printf(”...");” output and display it in the console.…
Part Number: MSPM0L1304 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi TI Experts, I'm trying to enable pullup and pulldown resistor by using sysconfig 1.22.0+3893 but I'm not able to find the relevant configuration. In theory, I expect…
Hi Yun,
If you are asking about this particular MCU, we don't support that one, you would need to open another thread with to post another thread using MSPM0L1304 as the part number. But if you asking about what our part require is as you mentioned…
Part Number: MSPM0L1304
according to the TRM the flash content is not deterministic (ch. 6.3.4 ERASE Command):
Note After erasure, the memory contents of a sector are not deterministic until programmed. Erased bits do not always read…
Part Number: MSPM0L1304-Q1 Tool/software: Hello Experts, If we use MSPM0L1304-Q1 for IO expander and ADC, how long does it take to boot up? Rough estimation is okay (e.g. less than 100ms). Best regards, Ken
Part Number: MSPM0L1304 Tool/software: Hi,
I have a design with the MSPM0L1304 MCU that when put on standby mode it consumes 20 uA which seems higher than expected current for this mode.
I checked the following:
I set all GPIOs outputs as low, used…
Part Number: MSPM0L1304-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Good day, I would like to configure the controller “M0L1304QDGS32RQ1” with SysConfig. Unfortunately, this controller is not suggested to me in the menu.