Part Number: MSPM0L1304 Tool/software: Hi,
I want to use MSPM0L1304 with IAR 9.10.2, can I get the device support package based on IAR 9.10.2. thanks.
Best regards.
Part Number: MSPM0L1304 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0G3507 Tool/software: Hello, I am using the microcontroller MSPM0L1304 and the IDE CCS 20.0.1. I would like to make a “printf(”...");” output and display it in the console.…
Part Number: MSPM0L1304 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi TI Experts, I'm trying to enable pullup and pulldown resistor by using sysconfig 1.22.0+3893 but I'm not able to find the relevant configuration. In theory, I expect…
Part Number: BQ79616-Q1
Tool/software: CCS Theia, MSPM0 Driver Library
"The wake ping is applied by the microcontroller to the RX line of the BQ79616-Q1 device. This ping is an active low, and it has a low time of 2.5 ms."
Part Number: MSPM0L1304
according to the TRM the flash content is not deterministic (ch. 6.3.4 ERASE Command):
Note After erasure, the memory contents of a sector are not deterministic until programmed. Erased bits do not always read…
Part Number: MSPM0L1304-Q1 Tool/software: Hello Experts, If we use MSPM0L1304-Q1 for IO expander and ADC, how long does it take to boot up? Rough estimation is okay (e.g. less than 100ms). Best regards, Ken
Part Number: MSPM0L1304 Tool/software: Hi,
I have a design with the MSPM0L1304 MCU that when put on standby mode it consumes 20 uA which seems higher than expected current for this mode.
I checked the following:
I set all GPIOs outputs as low, used…
Part Number: MSPM0L1304-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Good day, I would like to configure the controller “M0L1304QDGS32RQ1” with SysConfig. Unfortunately, this controller is not suggested to me in the menu.