Part Number: MSPM0L2228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0L1228 Tool/software: In MSPM0L2228 controller how can i get security state of flash as a secure / not secure?
What register i have to use to get flash secure state?
Is backdoor access feature…
Part Number: MSPM0L2228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: I am using Uniflash Tool to load the image file by enabling "Perform CRC verification", Programe is loading successfully but i am not able to view CRC verification pass in…
Part Number: MSPM0L2228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG , MSPM0L1306 Tool/software: I have trouble entering BSL mode from software on the MSPM0L2228.
I call
The device always resets but…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: Hello,
I'm trying to communicate to a target using I2C bus, but there is something odd I need to clarify.
How to read a byte from the target device using I2C: send start, send device address (write), receive…
Part Number: MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: Hi, I got a question from my customer. According to TRM (SLAU847D), section 8.1, VBAT VDIV is connected to an internal ADC. But it is not clear how to read VBAT voltage in ADC. Could you tell me how to read the measured…
Part Number: MSPM0L1228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: Hi, I have to create .icf file for my project by using MSPM0L1228. I have example code for MSPM0L2228, in that mspm0l1228.icf is present.
If i want to add some symbol in…
Part Number: MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: Hi Team ,
I am using the internal Flash memory of the MSPM0L2228 to store the data.
Initially i am able to store the data in the internal Flash memory of the controller. but after some time the data that i stored…
Hi, Daniele
If in CCS, using empty project with default .cmd file, there won't be content that need to be loaded into SRAM.
But log shows that there are data need to load to 0x20200000 and this is SRAM region, not a flash region.
Daniele Nardi said…
Part Number: MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: I was happily working away earlier debugging some code, when all of a sudden breakpoints could not be enabled.
Simply setting a breakpoint now results in it being automatically disabled, as shown below:
I am running…