Part Number: PCA9306EVM Hi
Please can you provide the CE/EU Declaration of Conformity for PCA9306EVM ?
The product shows it bears the CE mark however the declaration is not available on the T.I website,
Thank you
Part Number: PCA9306EVM Hi E2E,
Good day.
We have a customer looking for the 2D drawing of PCA9306EVM. He need the information for he is building a test box where the EVM will be placed and he needed to better understand the size and stand-off positions…
The PCA9306EVM comes with 10 kΩ pull-up resistors. When you want to use high speeds with a high-capacitance bus (i.e., when you have long cables), then you need stronger pull-up resistors. See section 3 of the PCA9306EVM manual for where to solder…
Hey Kei,
In addition to Clemens' response, PCA9306 is not a buffer, therefore IBIS should not be solely relied on to portray device behavior. It is suggested to prototype with the PCA9306EVM to get a more accurate representation of how the device performs…
Hi Pedaiah,
I believe I worked on this issue twice before in which we found that the MSP430 EVM was not compatible with the GUI since the one used in the creation of the 8418EVM was made to work with a now obsolete MSP430 EVM.
Do you have access to…
Part Number: PCA9306 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , TXS0104E Hi :
We used TI's PCA9306, but in actual use, we found that SDA1 was connected with our module's I2C_SDA, and the SDA level was 0.5-0.6v.
problem description:
Lift the SDA1 pin of…