Part Number: PCA9534 Tool/software: We have 2 different products using the PCA9534 to act as a GPIO expander.
The first product is using Linux 6.6.23-gf296dd2c-g84641290ab13
The second product is using Linux 5.10.48-bsp-yocto-ampliphy-i.mx6-pd21.1.1 …
Part Number: PCA9534 Dear TI Teams,
We found that only GPIOI to GPIO3 can be controlled during debugging PCA9534RGVR,while the GPIO4 to GPIO cannot be controlled. After analysis, it was found that only the low three bits can be changed when reading and…
Part Number: PCA9534 Hello Ti,
Hopefully this is a suitable place for this report.
We have discovered what we believe to be a silicon issue with at least more recently Fabricated PCA9534 parts.
The polarity inversion register (register 2) should be initialized…
Part Number: PCA9534 Hi Experts,
We need your assistance.
The I2C specification allows for a slave device to stretch the clock if it is still busy processing a request. Does the PCA9534 (GPIO Expander) ever perform clock stretching? Thank you in advance…
Part Number: PCA9534 Hello,
I'm looking for the best method for terminating unused IO on the PCA9534. For the lowest power dissipation, should they be pulled high or low? Should it be pull high or low through a resistor, or can I tie directly to a…
Part Number: PCA9534 Hi Experts,
We need your assistance.
Can the PCA9534 be used on a bus that operates in multi-master mode? See the description below:
Thank you in advance for your support.
Best regards,
Part Number: PCA9534
I am doing worst case calculation with PCA9534 minimum high level O/P voltage (@10mA, Vcc=3.3Vsupply) .
As per the datasheet section 7.5, i plotted different voltage levels vs Vcc and approximated a minimum VOH of 2.8V (for 3.3V supply…
Part Number: PCA9534
This company uses a CPLD solution for syncing 4 cameras on Raspberry Pi.
What I plan is to use an NXP RT1050
I would like to use it to generate the clock signals for 4 cameras and use an I2C multiplexer to trigger the cameras. Would…