Part Number: PCM3010 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6748 , TS5A3359 , PCM3168A , PCM3168 Hello,
We were previously interfacing PCM3010 to TMS320C6748 via McBSP port. Now we need to connect two additional PCM3010 to make a total of 3 CODEC. I am…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM3010 I wish to use ez430-RF2500 Target Board to transfer wireless music, from just the 3.5mm jack analog audio output, so that high quality wireless audio can be enjoyed with any player.
I came across the PCM3010 24…
I'm trying to use the mcbsp module on the F28335 microntroller to communicate with the pcm 3010 via I2S. I am trying to use the mcbspb module, and I would like to use GPIO pins 12-15 to connect. I have my XCLKOUT set correctly, but I just can't seem to…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM3010 The datasheet of PCM3010 states that "The system clock for the PCM3010 must be 128 fS, 192 fS, 256 fS, 384 fS, 512 fS or 768 fS, where fS is the audio sampling rate, 16 kHz to 192 kHz. The PCM3010 detects 128…
Part Number: PCM3060 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM3010 , Dear Support team,
Does PCM3060 belong to the Specification-2 products listed in "PCM1xxx_Power_Sequencing_AppNote.pdf" same as PCM3010?
Best Regards, Hiroaki Masumoto
We are looking to frequency of 10 to 500Hz. DC is not important. The application is an EMG.
I think that we will purchase a PCM1807 or PCM3010 evaluation board to make the test.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC8520 , PCM3060 , TLV320AIC23B , PCM3010 , PCM3000 , TLV320DAC23 Hi,
I have a customer susing the Anaren A8520E24A91 module. They want a small low cost Codec for the fron end - any recommendations other than the AIC3101…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM3168 I have a C6727 interfaced to a PCM3168 CODEC.
The McASP outputs an 8 slot TDM frame of data with a single bit LRCLKDA. The problem is that the codec outputs the correct signal on channels 1 to 4 but nothing on…