Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM62X Tool/software: Hello,
Working on an AM6202 (on a tqma62xx SoC), I saw that the linux device tree had register sets for GiCv2 (GiCC, GiCH, GiCV). However I could not find information about that in the technical manual…
Hello Sevki,
Modifications to the PRU firmware code
Your change looks good.
More background:
The PRU cores on the AM62x do not need to set any bits before they are allowed to read and write outside of the PRU subsystem. Thus, the AM335x PRU cores need…
Hi Herry,
There are two sets of display drivers: RTOS driver and Linux driver. The two different SDKs and prebuilt images use different drivers, of which details are here:…
Hi Ilya,
Ilya Sandler said: Should "make u-boot" run from TI_SDK_PATH directory generate working build files such as the device tree?
it does generate devicetree, but the devicetree file is for U-Boot, not kernel.
Ilya Sandler said: sudo cp board…
Hi Chris:
I try to run TIDL without container, the onnx convert tool can work,
But I get the new issue from…
Thierry BERNIER said: this API returns an unsigned (?!), what about negative input ? I would say that o4 is false in your test.
Yes, it works perfectly for negative input too.
For example:-
float f2i4 = __float_to_int(-1.5);
It yields -2.0
( "x.5" is…
Hi Mehmet,
Mehmet Akif Sarikayis said: I want to emulate UART with PRUs in my bare metal AM335x project. How can I reach these PRU firmware files?
The PRU firmware based UART is no longer supported in SDK 9.1 (kernel 6.1).
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-J784S4 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: FFTLIB Tool/software: Hi
I have a test application developed for computing the FFT for our custom raw data and the linker file for our test application is as follows,
Processor : J784s…
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-J784S4 Tool/software: Hi TI Experter,
I would like to uninstall the older version of PROCESSOR-SDK-LINUX-J784S4. Can you show me how to uninstall it? Thanks