Part Number: RM42L432 Hi,
we use a J-Link debugger in conjunction with the RM42L432 controller on our board.
The J-Link cannot connect. I think I found the problem but would like to confirm.
In our hardware connection to the JTAG, we have the signal RTCK…
Part Number: RM42L432 Hi,
I have a design where we have used 2x RM42L432 for redundancy and have had two separate JTAG connectors for each MCU. TO save space i would like to consolidate this. Could I use the same connector pins for TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO,…
Part Number: RM42L432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: RM41L232 , , SEGGER , LAUNCHXL-TMS57004 , TMS570LS0432 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hello,
I need to program & debug RM41L232 using J-link programmer.
For that, I am trying to test J-link on…
Part Number: RM42L432 Hello,
I'm using the bootloader as described in theapplication note spna188.
So far I made no changes to the provided firmware, other than some basic confiogurations to adapt it to my custom board.
The problem is that it gets…
Part Number: RM42L432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN Hi there,
I have been struggling with a problem for a few days now. I am writing an application for RM42L432 based on FreeRTOS. The base libraries were generated using Halcogen. …
Part Number: RM42L432 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN Dear team,
My customer is using RM42L432.Please check the following informations.
1 What is the lowest LOOP time that can be configured when RM42L432 configures the HET module with HALCOgen…
Part Number: RM42L432 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hello,
the problem I am experiencing isthe same as here:
I am trying to link the SafeTI lib…
Part Number: RM42L432 Hi Team,
The customer is experiencing below issue and needs your help.
1. He used RM42L432, and found a test routine on the official website to test the ECC function of inserting two wrong ECC functions. An error occurred during the…