Part Number: RM44L520 Tool/software: Hi RM series champ !
A customer has asked if you have any plans to extend the validity of the Safety Certification for the RM44 series MCUs as it has expired in 22 years. Please confirm.
Best Regards,
Part Number: RM44L520 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN Tool/software: I'm trying to use GIOB[2] as an output on pin 38 (100 pin PZ package), but it doesn't seem to work. HALcoGen will provide code based on using it as an output but the pin remains…
Part Number: RM44L520 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG , HALCOGEN Tool/software: How can I set the RM44L520 MCU from the SYSCONFIG tool?
I'm going to try to assign a PIN allocation using SYSCONFIG tool.
Part Number: RM44L520 hi,
What is the baking temperature that RM44L520 can withstand? What is the maximum furnace temperature that can be withstood?
Part Number: RM44L520 Tool/software: Hi team,
my customer using RM44L520 device for the FS function,
but we can not find the demo code for CAN/UART/SPI in SDK, can you help to share the demo code to me ? tks !
Martin Jean-Daniel said: Finally, I choose to use the N2HET2_PIN_nDIS functionality instead of GIOB[2] on the pin 38 of the PZ version. From my point of view, GIOB[2] is not available on the PZ version of RM44L520.
Part Number: RM44L520 Hi
I have a situation whrere the code residing in RM44 is toggling a line which is conneted to external cricuitry, this external circuity then powering the whole board down.
I want to download new softwre but because of this power…
Hi Alexandru Matei,
Alexandru Matei said: Are there any configurations that need to be done to use Bank 7 as flash? Or is is as straight forward as using the FAPI with Bank 0 (of course using different parameters such as Bank 7, and Initializing Bank 7…
Hi Eun,
Apologies for the delay in the response.
Eun Kyu Son said: It can't be used at 25Mhz, right?
Yes, you are right. It can't be used for 25Mhz. The maximum main oscillator frequency should be 20Mhz.
Thanks & regards, Jagadish.