Part Number: RM46L430 Tool/software: Hi team,
According to the data sheet, the rise/fall time between VIL and VIH is specified as tin_slew=1nsmax.
Q1: Does it mean that the rise/fall time of the input voltage to the MCU has to be less than 1ns? Q2: Do…
Part Number: RM46L430 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SAFETI-HALCOGEN-CSP Hello, We currently using target device RM46L430. SafeTI-HALCoGen-CSP file access for use with RM46x can you help me? TI NDA has already been signed.
Part Number: RM46L430 Hello,
We are preparing for SIL2 certification. I would like to refer to the SafeTI related document SPNU570. Can you help me obtain this document?
Best regards,
keon Young
Part Number: RM46L430 Hello,
We are doing SIL2 certified development using the TI RM46x. Can I compile and use the SafeTI Diagnostic Library in Keil MDK?
Best regards,
Keon Young
Part Number: RM46L430 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN Hello,
I have difficulties with SPI slave on RM46.
Do you have an example or a tuto for SPI slave on RM46 ?
Thank you on advance.
Part Number: RM46L430 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN
I'm trying to use GNU tools to compile the HALCoGen code for RM46x micro. I've set the option in HALCoGen and it is correctly outputting asm and c files which I can compile. What am I supposed…
Part Number: RM46L430 Hi, we are using the following design to read a 24V digital signal into the RM46L430 on digital input:
Unfortunately the 3,0V-Z-diode is missed on some PCBs. On these PCBs the input of the RM46 is now driven by 4.0V. Tha means…
Part Number: RM46L430
Is the concern and need to back up and restore SRAM before SL_SRAM_TEST as described in this post:
still applicable for STL version 2.40?
Was the method…
Part Number: RM46L430 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: RM48L952 Hi, My customer is asking CoreMark score of RM46L430. Do we have such data available? I found the score only for RM48L952 at EEMBC website.…