Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SP The datasheet does not provide any package information for the 5962-9584401V2A (the LCCC version of this device). The link in the "Ordering & Quality" section of the landing page does not provide any information either.…
Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SP Does the CDP (W) package for the SN54LVTH244A-SP have a metal lid? and is this lid floating or electrically connected to anything?
The package drawing on the data sheet has a note that says the lid can be ceramic but I saw…
Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SP Team,
What is the difference between the two OPNs marked in color below? Which one is supposed to be the "flight" part?
Thanks in advance,
Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVTH244A Hi Team, Do we have a spice model available for SN54LVTH244A-SP? Kind Regards, Jejomar
Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SP Could you let me know the package information as follows?
P/N: 5962-9584401VSA
・Package material/ base plating /plating (ex. Ceramic(Alumina)/Ni/Au
・Lid material/ base plating /plating (ex. Covar/Ni/Au
・Package cavity wall…
Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SPsn54lvth244a-sp data sheet page 7 notes mentions test condition for input transition time to be less than 2.5 nsec.
C. All input pulses are supplied by generators having the following characteristics: PRR ≤ 10 MHz, Z O …
Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SP Team,
Quick question from my customer:
The data sheet for the 54LVTH244A has the following requirements under recommended operation for power supply rise time:
What is the impact to part functionality if the power system…
Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SP Are SN54LVTH244A-SP inputs cold sparable? That is .. is there a high side ESD clamp diode? If power is OFF on this device .. and the input is driven from a powered ON device .. will this high side ESD clamp diode form a sneak…
Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN54LVTH244A , SN74LVTH244A Hi Sir/Mdm,
The datasheet for SN54LVTH244A does not indicate any value for IOFF. Is it because it is not tested or there is no such parameter?
Similar part (SN74LVTH244A…
Part Number: SN54LVTH244A-SP abs max rating lists "current into any output in the high state, Io" only for Vo > Vcc (Note 2). Is there abs max rating for high state current when Vo < Vcc?