Part Number: SN65HVD75 Tool/software: Hi,
I am using SN65HVD75DGKR devices for RS-485 communication, some times I see different resistance on the A and B inputs referred to ground (pin 5) such as 220K and 1M.
I tend to think that 220K is the internal…
Part Number: SN65HVD75 Tool/software: Hi Team,
Using SN65HVD75DGKR, The schematic diagram is shown in the following figure, 1. 2, 3, and 4 pins are directly connected to the MCU, while pins 6 and 7 (A and B) communicate with the outside through a connector…
Part Number: SN65HVD75 Hey Guys,
I have a very trivial question. I am using a SN65HVD75 in my project with a VSON-8 Package.
While I studied the data sheet I noticed that it is not explicitly described to connect the thermal pad to GND.
I assume that…
Part Number: SN65HVD75 Please see the correspondence before:
SN65HVD75: R output issue - Interface forum - Interface - TI E2E support forums
We are the supplier of the company for who Federico Pavan (user name) works. He has already discribed the problem…
Hi all
Based on your measurement suggestion, here's what I've measured before.
It seems this SN65HVD75 still cannot transmit TX signal to A-B bus.
Now our MCU can get RX signal from SN65HVD75, but SN65HVD75 can't transfer TX properly.
Any comments…
Part Number: SN65HVD75 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65HVD72 Hi TI Expert,
in our simple point to point RS485 communication using your SN65HVD72, we are facing the same issue on R pin as reported here ( (+) SN65HVD75: SN65HVD75: Output issue - Interface…
Part Number: SN65HVD75 Hello,
I would try a pin reduced approach to sharing a signal for DE/RE# and another for D/R.
Provided that controller will have to change direction of port for D/R signal with proper timing avoiding contention with R, could it…
Part Number: SN65HVD75 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PROFIBUS , SN74LVC1G123 , SN74LV123A , SN65HVD3082E Hello,
We would like to have carrier detect signal from RX data (we use RS485 half duplex and fieldbus 1 Mbits like Profibus). In fact we would like…
Part Number: SN65HVD75 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65HVD11 Will part # SN65HVD75 fit the same footprint as part # SN65HVD11?
If not, can you point me to compatible part numbers where we do not have to change footprint?