Part Number: SN65LVDS22 Tool/software: Hello,
Could you please provide an application note explaining the transmission and reception distance of LVDS signals?
Thank you.
Part Number: SN65LVDS22 Hello team,
I received a question from the customer. Is it possible to operate at frequencies such as 40-50 MHz, although the maximum operating frequency is 200 MHz?
Part Number: SN65LVDS22 Hi Team,
Is it possible to DC Bias without AC coupling on an LVDS line, something like fig 3 but without the capacitors? Not sure if this could cause damage to the device driver?
Use case is SN65LVDS22 (3.3V) paired with an FPGA…
Part Number: SN65LVDS104 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDS22 , TMUX1309 Tool/software: I'm looking for an LVDS clock multiplexer. Essentially the opposite of the SN65LVDS104 repeater, i.e. 4:1 LVDS. Any suggestions? Thanks
Hi Ryo-san,
You can only use the +/-ve pins for LVDS (reference pin functions table in the datasheet). You'll need at least 2 of these devices to mux 6 LVDS pairs. A simpler solution would probably be using 3 SN65LVDS22 repeaters, but it looks like this…
What you need is high impedance on the input when device is powered down. Please take a look at SN65LVDS22: Would this meet their requirement?
Part Number: DS90LV001 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90LV804 , SN65LVDS22 Hi guys,
is the power supply current stated in the datasheet for a high frequency signal or also applicable to ~ 50 MHz? Are there are methods to reduce the for the DS90LV001…