Part Number: SN65LVDT41 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDS31 Tool/software: HI,
The layout section of the datasheet (as well as the schematics for the SN65LVDS31_33 EVM) show 49.9 ohm pull-down resistors on the single-ended inputs. However, the…
Part Number: SN65LVDT41 HI, How different between SN65LVDT41 - SN65LVDT41-EP?
I've seen that the cost of them are quite different. Can it be alternately used?
Part Number: SN65LVDT41 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDT14 , For one the application i am using SN65LVDT41 and SN65LVDT14 for long distance 10 meter SPI interface . I have provided all required Hardware design as per datasheet and TI application…
Part Number: SN65LVDT41 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65MLVD040 , SN65LVDM31 Hello I am trying to send 215,040 bits of data across 21 LED display panels which add up to a length of 7.3m. We are currently using RS485 drivers to send the data across all…
Part Number: SN65LVDT41 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDT14
We plan to use SN65LVDT41 as a translator from SPT to LVDS. At this situation, 1 LVDS lane is not used.
The question is, which pin setting would be the best for non-use case? For example…
Part Number: SN65LVDT41 Hello Team,
In the datasheet, a propagation delay-time of max. 2.9 ns is given as well as a part-to-part skew of 1.5 ns. At this point I am interested in the driver propagation delay variance between the individual pins of the…
Part Number: SN65LVDT41 If there are few pins which are not used and connected to others, how to deal with that? Connecting to VCC or GND for better noise immunity?
Part Number: SN65LVDT41 I use the SN65LVDT41 in my design to report status to the customer. I also use the receiver to inputs to receive a command from the customer. I want to ask if there's any recommendation for protecting the device against MIL-STD…