Are there any die size or package difference between these two devices:
Since using same board, same test method, SN74AHCT240 has larger spike than SN74HCT240, customer guess the die to pin parasitic inductance…
Part Number: SN74AHCT240 Hi, Staff
What is the difference between SN74AHCT240PWR and CAHCT240IPWRG4Q1?
For example, there are differences in electrical specifications.
best regards cafain
Part Number: SN74AHCT240 Hello,
We have a customer who is asking the following:
"Need confirmation truth table SN54/74AHCT240 on the data sheet: data sheet revision 2003 Input 1 Input 2 Output L H L L L H H X Z data sheet revision 2016 Input 1 Input…
The SN74AHCT240 has overvoltage-tolerant and TTL-compatible inputs, but a lower drive strength.
What are the actual requirements? Why was the SN74ABT240A chosen in the first place?
Part Number: SN74HCT240 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AHCT240 Hi Team,
The datasheet of the SN74HCT240 only mentions the recommended VCC minimum of 4.5V,
is there a specific shutdown voltage?
If the pin A input is high when the chip is powered…
Part Number: SN74HCT541 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC1G34 , SN74HCS244 , , SN74AHCT08 , SN74AHC08 , SN74AHCT240 , SN74AHC240 , SN74LVC1G97 Hi team,
I understand that most TI buffers' output are 3 state, but in our applications, high resistance…