Part Number: SN74ALVC16244A the datasheet doesn’t state Operating junction temperature, TJ for the following devices. Please provide ?
Part Number: SN74ALVC16244A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AHC16244 , SN74LVC16244A Hi,
For our internal project we have used SN74ALVC16244A non-inverting SPI buffer along with TPL0501-100RSER Digi POT. Kindly review the attached schematics and let…
Part Number: TPL0501-100 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74ALVC16244A , Hi team,
In my schematic , i used the TPL0501-100 pot with 5V on the VDD pin and the SPI signals are interfacing with a buffer(SN74ALVC16244A) of 3.3V on the VCC pin .So can i able…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74ALVC16244A 1. I have a microcontroller programmed to switch 16 I/O pins at 20us interval to drive certain load at each pin. I have to operate at 3.3V.
2. Now I want to buffer the MCu pin from load with a buffer.'…