Part Number: SN74AUP1G125 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV3691 I have an application where parasitic currents are crucial.
Static consumption of AUP is fine, but when buffering signals with an AUP2G14 I found that dynamic current is far too high for…
Part Number: SN74AUC1G125 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AUC2G125 , SN74AUC125 , SN74AUC244 , SN74AUP1G125 , SN74AUP2G125 Tool/software:
I find out SN74AUC1G125, a tri-state buffer with output enable that works fine at VCC=1.0V. However, the Vih/Vil…
Part Number: SN74AUP1G125 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LV1T125 Hi Team,
Is there a part similar with the SN74AUP1G125 with VIH(min) = 1 V?
Roy Hsu
Part Number: SN74AUP1G125 Hello,
We are using the SN74AUP1G125 device in our design and query is related to input rise time constraint on OE pin.
We are using RC based delay circuit to control the OE pin of SN74AUP1G125 device and rise time is ~33usecond…
Part Number: SN74AUP1G125 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LV1T125 Hello E2E,
I am posting on behalf of a customer.
We are operating with Vcc at 2.9v We would like to pull OE up to 1.8V which is close to the MIN. Do you have any data on how much buffer…
Part Number: SN74AUP1G125 I would like to know the maximum capacitive load that can be driven by SN74AUP1G125DCKR. I have seen in the datasheet, in the test conditions, that it can drive up to 30pF. The design in which we are using this part,it is required…
Part Number: DAC39RF10EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AUP1G125 , , LMX1204 , LMK04828 I noticed in the user manual that the ability to use SPI signals from the FMC+ connector will be supported on the next rev of the board. Is there a workaround…