Part Number: SN75ALS197 Hi,
According to PDN20230516001.3, SN65LBC173ADR is recommended as a replacement for SN75ALS197NS. Any reason why SN75ALS197DR is not recommended?
remarks: This PDN recommends SN75ALS197DR as a replacement for SN75ALS197N.
The customer…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN75ALS192 , SN75ALS197 Please let me know about three points below of SN75ALS192/297.
①G pin and /G pin
Is these pin necessary or unnecessary Pull-up/Pull-down resister?
If necessary…
Part Number: AM26C31 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN75ALS197 , , SN65HVD30 Dears
we have a customer want to use the SN75ALS197 or SN65HVD30 as the receiver of AM26C31, will this possible. if we want to design a receiver for AM26C31, is there some consideration…