Part Number: TCA9555 Tool/software: Hello,
From the TCA9555's datasheet, for low inputs, the quiescent current in standby mode is 1.5 mA max while it is 40 µA max for operating mode. The quiescent current is then much higher in standby mode than…
Part Number: TCA9555 Tool/software: I am referencing the earlier thread as this is the same application. There are a number of photos in the previous thread. I'll repeat one here. In this application the TCA9555 interfaces to Microcontroller TM4C1292NCPDTI3…
Part Number: TCA9555 Tool/software: Hi experts,
Customer used TCA9555 and saw SDA has two steps although all the timing spec seems ok and meet DS spec.
Would you please clarify is there any concern or what might goes wrong?
Part Number: TCA9555 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCA9535 Tool/software: Hello,
I just would like to ask for clarification - when the ports of TCA9555 are configured as inputs, pull-up resistors on those pins are enabled by default, am I right? So…
Part Number: TCA9555 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCA8418E Tool/software: I was notified by TI support that " TCA9555 does not have automatic debouncing built in. If debounce is needed, an external cap would be needed."
- Is there a drop…
Part Number: TCA9555 Tool/software: Does the TCA9555 have automatic button debouncing built in? If it does, then is that true for both polled and interrupt?
Part Number: TCA9555 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCA6424 Tool/software: We installed a TCA9555PWR onto the TI I/O expander EVM and are observing some strange results which we cannot understand.
1) With the TCA9555 installed on the EVM, all three…
Part Number: TCA9555 Tool/software: Hi TI Team,
We used TCA9555 IO Expander with limited pwr budget. Please help us to clarify the PWR consumptions under 3V3.
1.The third row I OH = -10mA (Negative means current source from IC to the outside); The 4th…