Part Number: TDA2E Tool/software: Dear Team,
For one of our project we are debug an PLL lock issue in Serializer and Deserializer. To debug the issue we need to monitor DE(Data Enable) pin from Serialiazer, to control particular pin need to drive from…
Part Number: TDA2E Tool/software: HI:TI
What command does tidl_tb.c under the /ti_components/algorithms/REL.TIDL. path compile to generate an executable file? I am /ti_components/algorithm/REL TIDL. / modules…
Part Number: TDA2E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA2 Tool/software: During debugging at the board end, precision loss was found in the output result of Alg_tidl_Eve link. I checked the offset of each address of RGBplane output of the previous tidlpreproc…
Part Number: TDA2E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA2 , PGA460 Tool/software: HI Josue
Customer's board TDA2e VSDK3.05
rootfs: tisdk-rootfs-image-dra7xx-evm_vsdk_3_5.tar.xz
PVR:(Error): WSEGL_InitialiseDisplay: Failed to open primary device: No…
Part Number: TDA2E Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA2 Tool/software: Dears,
Our project uses TDA2x and TC397 Ethernet direct connection, with TDA2x internal switch as shown in the screenshot.
My question is whether the connection between TDA itself…
Part Number: TDA2E Tool/software: Hello,
For my current project using TDA2xx and Vision SDK, I would like to trigger my own data processing in DSP processor regularly , e.g. every 100ms.
Currently I am sending a link message to the DSP link task from…
Part Number: TDA2E HI TI:
THE SMPS3 of TPS65917 is use for VDD_GPU of TDA2E,
and i need increase the voltage of VDD_GPU about 50mv,
How do I achieve this?