Part Number: TDA3MV Tool/software: Hi,
How can we evaluate the power consumption of TDA3x? How do we find the power estimation software, TDA3xx Power Estimation Spreadsheet?
Best Regards
Part Number: TDA3MV Tool/software: HI,
We have designed a board with an RF input frequency of 50 MHz. Can it be used for the input clock of TDA3, and if so, can it be connected to OSC0 or OSC1? Must we use a crystal with a new frequency?
Part Number: TDA3MV Tool/software: Hello
I want to stop issCapttureLink and restart it.
So I use System_linkStop(issCatureLink ID) and System_linkStart (issCatureLink ID)
When issCatureLink restart, I have a problem.
issCaptDrvCallback is not called..
Part Number: TDA3MV Tool/software: Hello
I want to sync our camera system with an external camera by using trigger.
On the iss link side, I confirmed that a callback function is generated and the new_data command is executed whenever an image sensor sync…
Eunjin Jeong said: I found how to turn VP off and on, but I'm looking for what timing to put it in at.
Well, VP on could be any time you want VP to be started. Regarding VP off, it should be done few lines before the next vsync, if you want to stop…
Part Number: TDA3MV Tool/software: It is possible to set pclk to khz, so I can set it to 24540KHz
But I want to set it to 24.5454Mhz. Can I set it like that?
Part Number: TDA3MV Tool/software: Hi Champs,
My customer has started the layout design with TDA3MV, and they want to get the information of pin delay of TDA3MV.
pin delay is the delay occurred by internal wire bonding.
Could you share the information…
Hi Tom,
Tom Zhang said: Both DSYNCx signals are triggered simultaneously, and no provision for adjusting the delay between them is found in the AFE5401 manual.
This can potentially create problem in detecting sync signals.
TRIG will not be used by VIP…
Part Number: TDA3MV Tool/software: Hi,we are selecting two AFE5401 chips for sampling. The sampled data is output as CMOS data, and then the data is processed by the TDA3. Do we need a CPLD for data conversion between them, or can we directly connect…
Part Number: TDA3MV Tool/software: Hello.
Our system has an external trigger signal, and the image sensor sends data according to that signal.
As I know, whenever data is received from the image sensor, the callback function is called and the data is…