Part Number: THVD2452V-EP Tool/software: Hi team,
In the RS485 how 32 nodes can be connected in the bus
is there any possibility of slave to slave communication in rs485.
How the master communicates with the multiple slaves
Part Number: THVD2452V-EP Tool/software:
Hi Team,
We are using RS485 transceiver IC - THVD2452VDREP in our design, we see different pins mentioned for A and B pins in the datasheet - in THVD2452V-EP 14-Pin D Package (SOIC) diagram and the pin description…
Part Number: THVD9491-SEP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THVD2452V-EP Tool/software: Hello,
In the datasheet page #7 5.7 Electrical Characteristics, the first line of Iio spec is strange. The (typ)=500mA, but Iio(max)=1mA, much smaller than Iio(typ…
Part Number: THVD9491-SEP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THVD2452V-EP , THVD2452V , SN65C1168 Tool/software: hello,
is there a commercial-grade, pin and package equivalent to the THVD9491-SEP?
I'm looking for a 3v3 RS-xxx transceiver for which commercial…