Part Number: TIDA-00509 Hi
I try to control TIDA-00509 from terminal software (e.g. Teraterm) using com port commands. But, I can not success it. Please let me know how to enable connection from terminal software. For your infomation, my settings are…
Hello Prasad,
Most of this information is in the design guide:
Note that you can find this document and the rest of the design files on the TIDA-00509 tool page:
Part Number: TIDA-00509 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LDC1314 Dear Team,
could you please refresh the link for the "LDC1314 Inductive Keypad GUI and Firmware Installer" on
Currently the URL ( ) links…
Hey Hitesh,
When you installed the GUI it should actually have saved the source code on your computer. I think you should be able to find in a path similar to this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\TIDA-00509 Inductive Keypad-1.0\EVM Firmware …
To add to this, we have some reference designs for keypads using our inductive sensing devices. Devices like the LDC3114 still use I2C but only need to be configured at startup and then can provide digital outputs for the button presses.
In applications in which high sensitivity at close proximity is desired, the differential configuration performs better than the single-ended configuration. In my application, I do prefer the differential configuration. What if I let the device go to shutdown…
For the LDC161x/LDC131x:
EVM user's guide (EVM schematic):
MSP430 firmware source code:
Touch on Metal Buttons TI design (with software):
16 button Keypad TI design (with software…
Hello Kristine,
Thank you for the sample code. Would you recommend any particular TI MCU and I2C expander for
this project (preferably already mounted on the breakout board:) ?
In the link below they used FSUSB74 multiplexer with MSP430F5528 (same…
Part Number: LDC1314KEYPAD-EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-00509 Hi:
I just received the TIDA-00509 demo board and started downloaded corresponding documentation and design files.
What I noticed was that found no link not data related to the…