Part Number: TIDA-010050 Tool/software: We are using TIDA-010050 to create a water meter monitoring device. We incorporated TIDA-010050 design into our own design, and created a monitoring device. We are testing the TIDA part now.
Test setup:
Texas chip…
Part Number: TIDA-010050 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EVM430-FR6989 , Hi everyone,
I'm trying to make a desing with the ESI of EVM430-FR6989 with 2 sensors, and I don't know how to choose the coils correctly. I've read the documentation of…
Hi Jeff,
the TIDA-010050 is the adaptation and optimization of TIDA-01228 for the CC13x2/26x2 family of devices.
The Sensor Controller Engine (SCE) in CC1312R has been improved for lower power over the SCE in CC13x0 (previous TI Wireless MCU generation…
Hello Milen,
Thanks for the clarifications, it really helped me understand what was going on with these designs. I didn’t know TIDA-010050 existed.
I think I might upgrade to CC1312R considering its low-power capabilities compared to the CC1310…
Hi Maynard,
You can try referring to TIDA-010050 where another Inductors have been used. These are GT1302-0 and GT1301-07, both from Gemphil Technologies. It looks like the link to the datasheet has been broken. You may want to contact Gemphil directly…
Part Number: MSP430FR6989
Dear MSP Team,
My customer is thinking on using the MSP430FR69x family for his rotary water meter application.
We saw on the Reference Design, that the system is ISO4064-1:2014-11 Compliant with…
Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC1312R1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-010050 Dear Sir/Madam,
We find there's a problem in the LAUNCHXL-CC1310: TIDA-010050 water meter design about the Gerber file or PCB file. there's missing some layer(2?) in the…