Manikandasamy Jayaram said: I took these functions from the internet and using bit banging method to read and write the PHY
Sorry, I cannot support your internet code. I will suggest you look at the waveform on a scope or logic analyzer for the MDIO…
Part Number: TIDM-CAPTIVATE-E-LOCK Tool/software: Hello TI,
Was looking at the Captivate reference designs - the E-Lock has the .SchDoc(s) - but the zip for for the .PcbDoc just has the PDF. Other designs have the .PcbDoc - was just wondering if I could…
My costomer have a question about CapTIvate reference designe.
In This document, 4.3.4 Electrode Geometry
-- Capacitive Touch Thermostat User Interface With CapTIvate TmTechnology
Part Number: FDC2214EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: FDC2214 , BOOSTXL-CC2650MA , BOOSTXL-K350QVG-S1 , TIDM-CAPTIVATE-MSP432 Hi TI,
I'm interested in ordering a capacitive measurement kit for textile capacitance measurement and data processing afterward…
The given CAD files are incompleted, could you please give the whole PCB project files to me?
Thank you!
You have the same thread opened at https://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/msp-low-power-microcontrollers-group/msp430/f/msp-low-power-microcontroller-forum/1372346/tidm-captivate-msp432-assistance-required-for-interfacing-dp83869-phy-with-msp432p401r…
Part Number: MSP432P401R Hello. We are designing a product using an MSP432P401R using TI-RTOS. The datasheet shows that any GPIO can be used as a capacitive touch, but i'm having trouble finding implementations for MSP432. I found a couple of example…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CAPTIVATE-FR2633 , TIDM-CAPTIVATE-MSP432 , BOOSTXL-K350QVG-S1 , MSP432WARE Hello, TI Experts,
I got CAPTIVATE-MSP432 Software(tidcco2.zip) from http://www.ti.com/tool/TIDM-CAPTIVATE-MSP432 .
But importing(project->import…
Part Number: TIDM-1021 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CAPTIVATE-PHONE Hello.
I would like to know following design detail.
My customer are going to make Water Proof touch sensor in horizontal position,so there is possibility that a large drop of water…
Part Number: MSP430FR2533 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDM-1021 Tool/software: Hi All,
I have a question about measures to prevent the effects of water droplets and metals on Captivate.
I understand that approaching water droplets, metals, and wood…