Hello Mattia,
As you have noted, the API "UARTStdioConfig" only supports UART peripherals 0 to 2. Good find. When I ran the application, I did not encounter the error. It could be because the error is triggered only when run with Debug configuration…
Hello Adhitya,
Adhitya G N said: Now, I saw in user guide that if we populate 1-3 and 2-4 in JP5 and JP4 , UART2 is then availabe to ICDI.
With this configuration, PD4 and PD5 (U2RX and U2TX) are connected to the ICDI. PA0 and PA1 (U0RX and U0TX) are connected…
Hi Gary,
There is a TI Design using TM4C129 to implement a S2E solution. Please refer to
Please also refer to the post answered by Sai about the needed modification to the FreeRTOSConfig.h file for successful build of the project.