Part Number: TLIN1028S-Q1 We need some mandatory informations about it:
Chip Category;
End of production (EOL);
Node Size;
Wafer Size;
LeadTime for Alternative;
Wafer Fab: Supplier, location, share and readiness SOP;
Assembly: Supplier, location…
Part Number: TLIN1028-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0L1306-Q1 , Hello
I have a question regarding your LIN transceiver TLIN1028-Q1 in combination with a MCU (MSPM0L1306-Q1).
As recommended in the transceiver data sheet, the ‘EN’ and ‘TXD’ lines…
Part Number: TLIN1028-Q1 Tool/software:
Could you tell us the standard or recommended with welding spec of the bottom pin with C-groove hole of this IC, thanks.
Part Number: TLIN1028-Q1 Dear Sir/Madam,
End customer would like to know for TLIN10285DDARQ1:
1. Which J 2602-2 conformance test plan version (update) was used to test the transceiver?
2. Baud rate which j2602-2 conformance tests were executed?
3. Which…
Part Number: TLIN1028-Q1 Hi team,
My customer is evaluating TLIN10283DRQ1 in their project. Below is their schematic, could you please help review and give some comments?
Part Number: TLIN1028-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ESD1LIN24-Q1 Hello, I was given the following schematic, and I am reviewing it in parallel to this. Please let me know if it looks good. Thanks!
Part Number: TLIN1028-Q1
TI LIN SBC TLIN10285-DRBRQ1, datasheet requires to have a 10uf/ESR smaller than 2 ohm capacitor on VCC pin.
1. the values 10uf is needed, this means the min. value 10uf is needed? if use a MLCC capacitor 10uf with +/-10% tolerance…
Part Number: TLIN1028-Q1
Hi team,
When changing from nominal mode to sleep mode, when is TXD sampled? End of tEN?
Additionally, what are the factors that determine tEN?