I am trying to use each PWM output individually, but when I set the PWM to one output, two outputs gets the same value.
when I use PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM0_BASE, PWM_OUT_1, 2500)...PWM_OUT_2 gets the same value.
int main(void) {
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C123BE6PZ , STRIKE I am working on a TM4C123BE6PZ. My CAN driver catches the BOFF bit set and logs an error to EE. I have no evidence this has ever happened.
Is there a white paper or engineering note on what would be…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C1231E6PM Hi,
Could you please address tha below queries regarding the subject part number:
1. Please let us know what are the IIH (Input Current High) and IIL (Input Current Low) values for the GPIOs of TM4C1231E6PM…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C123BE6PZ We are testing a TM4C123BE6PZ in a test fixture where the power is cycled for the test via a relay. The cycling is not rapid (seconds between power cycles).
We are using StellarisWare 2.1 and CCS 5.5.
Hello Ramachandra,
Looking through your post and your subject line there is no battery charger part number listed. Which part are you considering?
Looking at the Tiva part that you are considering ( TM4C123BE6PZ ) the Vbat pin looks like it is simply an…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C123BE6PZ We are using a TM4C123BE6PZ to interface to a MicroChip MRF24J40 wireless SPI module. The operation is quite satisfactory at -40C-82C temperature range. But we see the SPI voltages drop from 3.3V to ~1V at…
I am using CCS5.4 on a TM4C123BEPZ. I am trying to initialize the watchdog timer. My initialization code is:
void WDOG_Init(void) { ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_WDOG0);
WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT = SysCtlClockGet()/10;
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C123BE6PZ So you have a controller (#1) trying to send a message when there is no other controller on the bus. CANSTS contains a 0x43 which is what CANStatusGet returns. Now you turn on another controller (#2), the message…