Part Number: TM4C129ENCPDT Tool/software: Hello,
I am modifying the TI-RTOS tcpEcho function. In short, I have two tasks: a tcp task, and a UART task. This is the same tcp task that is originally with the tcpEcho example.
In summary, I want to echo…
Part Number: TM4C129ENCPDT Tool/software:
Hello Everyone,
I was trying to implement Low Power Consumption in TI-RTOS,
-> 1st by referring example code of sleep mode (single thread application), but failed because of Interrupt vector table
I wrote…
Part Number: TM4C129ENCPDT
Tool/software: CCS v6.0.1
Following contents are available in my .cfg file
var EMAC = xdc.useModule('ti.drivers.EMAC');
EMAC.libType = EMAC.LibType_NonInst…
Part Number:
Hello Everyone,
I am trying print debug message in console through UART ( UART2_BASE, 0x4000E000, PORTD Pin 4 & 5 ) using System_printf(), but unfortunately it's not working
When I am doing UART_WRITE() for testing…
Noah Madinger said: Do I need to call the FlashUserSet function to update these values, and if this is the case, does this need to be performed after the call to EMACAddrSet , or can this be performed directly after the FlashUserGet call?
Yes, you can use…
Part Number: TM4C129ENCPDT Tool/software: Hi,
I am using the EPI bus in general purpose mode and noticed that the EPI data is being clocking by the falling edge of the EPI_WR signal.
Is it possible to configure the polarity of the EPI_WR signal?
I have not heard back from you. Hope your issue is resolved. I will close the thread. If you have update, you can write back to the post and the status will change to OPEN.
Yes that is the same template I've successfully used in the past for XDS100v2. The interesting thing to me is that it sounds like you communication from the debugger to the probe working when you mentioned:
Noah Madinger said: The FT_Prog tool was…
Part Number: TM4C129ENCPDT Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP432E401Y , , MSP432E401Y
Hello Team,
We have made a custom board with MSP432E401Y and TM4C129ENCPDT as XDS110. The TM4C related circuits were used from MSP-EXP432E401Y development…