Part Number: TMAG3001EVM Tool/software: I'm looking for the mechanical dimensions/drawings for this evaluation board, or a STEP model would be even better. As we are blocked trying to mount these boards to a custom setup we have, but in order to do that…
Tool/software: I could see that the browser firmware flasher could detect the hardware for a few seconds and then it says: "ERROR: Connection to BULK device timed out..." even though it was able to read the version numbers before. I have the jumper shorted…
Part Number: TI-SCB Tool/software: Hello,
I'm trying to connect to the TMAG5173EVM and TMAG3001EVM . I can't seem to connect to them no matter what I do. I'm using TI-SCB. It first enters coms mode with all of the lights blinking and then it switches…