Part Number: TMDSIDK572 In the project example of MCSPI_Loopback_idkAM572x_c66xExampleProject, running result is failed, i.e. the data in receive buffer and data in transmit buffer is different.
AM572x idk board uses McSPI3 as Industries Inputs and this…
Part Number: TMDSIDK572 Hi,
I'm using Linux RT SDK6.3 in IDK572. I boot from SDCard
1st partition is FAT with MLO
2nd partition is ext4 where I store u-boot.img.
I had to change the following:
in common/spl/spl_mmc.c I commented out FAT support…
Part Number: TMDSIDK572 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSIDK574
One of the boards I purchased is a boot-up error.
U-Boot SPL 2019.01-ga141f7abfd (Jan 05 2020-10:23:38 +0000)
DRA762-GP ES1.0 ABZ package no pinctrl state for default mode Card…
Hi Praveen Rao,
Please let me discuss this further.
Praveen Rao said: We are not saying this; our above comment does not mean that. We say the software overhead must be accounted for unless they do bare-metal testing, which is not what the SDK does.
Part Number: TMDSIDK572
I would to know why the Linux kernel does not get all memory reported by U-Boot (in memory node of device tree, 1GB or 2GB) and why there is a significant difference between IDKs.
We are using SDK6.1.0.8.
IDK572 (2 GB DRAM…
Hi Parth,
I'm using the TMDSIDK572 AM572x Industrial Development Kit. I can't reproduce my issue anymore, so it seems to be resolved. Thank you.
Best Regards,
Part Number: AM5728 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSIDK572 , Currently I am working with the evaluation board "TMDSIDK572". However, we would like to develop our own hardware based on the SoC AM5728 in the future and will use the hardware…
Part Number: AM5729 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSIDK572 Hi we are using TMDSIDK572 Eval Kit and we tried TI Linux OS, But faced issue when getting packages like thrift, ZMQ using standard utilities like apt-get, so we tried beagle bone AI image…
Part Number: AM5729 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSIDK572 Hello,
I am using the TMDSIDK572 evaluation board (AM5729 SOC) for developing an application where I need to use the McASP interface in the Burst mode. I am able to configure the McASP in…